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Friends of Ben Franklin

Introducing Friends of Ben Franklin!

The Ben Franklin Middle School PTO sponsors students’ field trips, special events, teacher appreciation items, and special classroom needs requested by teachers and staff. In order to support these needs, we must raise funds annually. Historically, we would sell magazines or other goods, and the BFMS PTO would get part of the money raised, while the rest of the funds would go to the fundraising organization. Recently, we decided to take a more direct approach and ask for direct donations through this new link on SchoolPay. By donating to Friends of Ben Franklin, you send money directly to the BFMS PTO to be used at Ben Franklin or for programs supported by the school and its PTO. There is no “middle man” – no third-party fundraising organization to pay. All of your donated money stays with the school! 

The BFMS PTO is a 501c3 non-profit organization, and your donations are tax deductible. Check with your employer to see if they match non-profit donations to double the benefit of your donation.

Donations to Friends of Ben Franklin will be accepted at any time throughout the year, and anyone can donate! You can find the links at the bottom of this page. The suggested donation amount is $10 per student, but please give as you are able. The small additional transaction fee at checkout comes from SchoolPay. Thank you for your help with this new program. Go, Wildcats!

These funds cover:

  • Field trips
  • Team-building activities, such as the 6-2 trip to the NDSU Student Union Rec Center and 8-1 celebrations
  • All-school trip to a Red Hawks game
  • Student of the Week t-shirts
  • Wildcat water bottles
  • Requested classroom books
  • Fall conference meals for teachers
  • Much more!

Online Donations

Family & Friends - Click here to donate online.

Parents - log into PowerSchool and go to SchoolPay or click above.


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