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Course Selection/Registration

Parents/guardians of all Fargo Public Schools students will complete their children’s annual registration forms and make fee payments online. Access to these online forms and fee payments will be through the Fargo Schools PowerSchool site. It is very important that all families have access to a PowerSchool account.
If you have previously created a PowerSchool account for a middle or high school child, you need to add any elementary children to your existing PowerSchool parent account. You do not need to create an account for each child. In addition to online registration forms, PowerSchool gives parents access to their child’s attendance records and lunch account balance, and access to their middle and high school child’s daily assignments and current grades (these last two features are not available for elementary students).

If you have questions, please contact Theresa at 446-3611.

Grade 8 Course Selections

Required courses: English, Math 8/Algebra 1/Geometry, American History, Earth Science, Physical Education

Exploratory rotation courses: Family & Consumer Science, STEM, Foreign Language (Spanish, Latin, German or French), Art/Career Exploration, Study Hall

Elective courses: Choir and Sectional, Band and Sectional, Orchestra and Sectional

Grade 7 Course Selections

Required courses: English, Math 7/Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1, Geography, Life Science, Physical Education

Exploratory rotation courses: World Language Survey, STEM, Health, Creative Dramatics

Elective courses: Choir and Sectional, Band and Sectional, Orchestra and Sectional, Art 

Grade 6 Course Selections

Required courses: English Language Arts, Math 6/Pre-Algebra, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education

Exploratory rotation courses: Art, Family & Consumer Science

Elective courses: Choir and Sectional, Band and Sectional, Orchestra and Sectional