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Learning Styles Inventory

How do you learn? Have you ever studied for a test and "forgotten" the material?

Different people learn in different ways!

Take the Learning Styles Inventory: -The VARK Questionnaire - What's Your Learning Style? - then return to this site and get some great ideas of how to study SMARTER not HARDER!

If you are this type of learner...

Visual Numerical/VisualLanguage Learner: This style of learner will learn better by seeing words and numbersin a book, on the chalkboard, workbook or text book. The learner is more likely to remember and understand facts when they are presented visually.
Auditory Numerical/Auditory Language Learner: This style of learner will learn better by hearing words and numbers spoken. This learner is more likely to remember and understand facts and new material by reading or doing number games and puzzles out loud.
Kinesthetic - Tactile Learner: This style of learner will learn best by doing, self-involvement and manipulation. The manipulation of material along with accompanying sight and sounds (words and numbers seen and heard) will aid his or her learning. This student may not understand or be able to concentrate or work unless totally involved! This learner will need to handle, touch and work with what is being learned!

Here are some hints...

Here are some hints for YOU now that you know what style of Learner you are!


  • draw pictures

  • highlight

  • use the calkboard or whiteboard

  • use maps, charts and pictures

  • watch a video

  • flash card

  • pay attention to details in photographs and pictures

  • use acronyms



  • listen to all spoken words - don't miss class!

  • listen to books on audio tape

  • make tapes of class notes

  • participate in class discussions

  • ask questions

  • whisper new information to self

  • listen for spoken instructions

  • make rhymes, songs, or poems to remember new information



  • be involved in classroom "hands on" projects/labs

  • physical involvement in class-related activity out side of class

  • flash cards

  • games

  • build projects to help understand the ideas

  • change pencils and pens frequently

  • use manipulatives

  • study in small, frequent chunks

  • study with another Kinesthetic-Tactile Learner